Wednesday, May 16, 2018

another tender moment with the WP

The WP was rewarded with a popsicle after finishing her homework. She munched it quietly at the kitchen table while I folded laundry in the adjoining living room. I walked into the kitchen and regarded her sweet munching face, her little mouth stained a shade of blue that probably does not exist in nature. I smiled, seized by a moment of bittersweet pride. My baby. Growing up.

KMS: You're the world's most awesome kid. I love you.

Blank stare. Pause. Munch. Munch. Munch.

WP: There's this guy at school, in third grade. (Munch, munch.) And he has a driver's license.

KMS: I tend to doubt it.

WP: It's true. I know, because he showed it to me. It has a car on it.

KMS: Oh, well, in that case.

WP: (tossing her popsicle stick in the trash and walking away) You don't see him, because he gets to school earlier than I do.

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