Wednesday, May 16, 2018

happy new year

And now, the obligatory rundown of New Year's resolutions. I historically avoid making resolutions, since a resolution is generally a promise you make but can't keep, and there's enough of that in the world. So for a few years, I had the habit of making resolutions that would be easy to keep, because it wasn't really an issue for me to begin with (One example: give up meth.)

Since 2010 damn near killed us all, though, I thought that I might revisit this whole resolution thing, because every now and then, it's a good idea to reboot. So without further ado, I set my intentions for 2011.

I resolve to...

1. Get 7-8 hours sleep per night. I might not do so much stupid crap if I were well-rested.
2. Take the stairs.
3. Eat in.
4. Remember your birthday.
5. Learn to play the WP's favorite Wii game so we can have tournaments.
6. Count to ten.
7. Give lots of compliments. (Which reminds me, I've been meaning to tell you - that color really brings out your eyes.)
8. Get a facial every season. This is the only skin I'll ever have, after all.
9. Take a vacation. (An actual vacation. During which I actually rest.)
10. Make absolutely sure the people I love know how important they are to me, because you never know when someone's really in trouble and needs to know they've got you in their court.
11. Get some more done in my yard, and try to avoid the wrath of my neighborhood POA.

I wish each of you all good things in 2011 - but most importantly, I hope you will take some time to appreciate the people in your life who keep you afloat on this very stormy sea. And if you are one of those people in my life...please accept my undying appreciation and humble thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kerri - love the resolutions. Giving up meth is hard, but it's worth it...Ha!
    I read your adventures in travel, Wowza, what a headache! But finding out your lover is superman might be the best Christmas gift of all.
    I hope we run into one another in the new year - all the best.
